2011. augusztus 19., péntek

Making a Million with Donate One Dollar/Euro

I was thinking of different ways of making million dollars and this idea came to my mind. It is a very simple idea. It may work or it may not work. I have nothing to lose. So I am giving it a shot. I will try to make a million dollars by taking donations from anyone and everyone who visit this site. All you have to do is donate a minimum of one dollar and a maximum of whatever amount you want.
If everyone donates one dollar, then I will need a million people to give the one dollar. The idea is very simple. So don’t hesitate to donate just one dollar from your pocket. There are definitely more than a million people in the world who could donate one dollar at least. If you are one of them then just donate one dollar.
In addition to that you can also spread the word by sending emails to your friends, spreading the link on facebook, digg, twitter, youtube and any social site or even your own website.
I will be listing the top ten donators on the home page along with their websites. This will help you to get more traffic to your sites. So start donating right now.

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